3 research outputs found

    Causes of inadequate food intake in pediatric oncology patients during treatment of chemotherapy

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    Diplomska naloga opisuje postavitev VOIP lokalnega omrežja s Cisco omrežnimi napravami in konfiguracijo postavljenega omrežja. Opisani so protokoli, uporabljeni v VOIP omrežju. Predstavljeni sta programski okolji Call Manager Express in Cisco Unity Express in postopki konfiguracije, ki omogocajo govorno komunikacijo in podatkovni promet v obeh okoljih. Predstavljeni so IP telefoni in funkcije, ki so zanimive za poslovno okolje, ter možnost ustvarjanja aplikacij, ki se lahko prikažejo na IP telefonih.The present work is dealing with the description of the installation of VOIP local network with Cisco network devices, and the description of the network configuration. It includes the presentation of protocols, which are used in VOIP network. It presents the two software environments, Call Manager Express and Cisco Unity Express, and the procedures of configuration which enable voice communication and data traffic in both environments. It also describes IP phones and functions, which are interesting for business environment, and the possibility of creating applications that can be displayed on IP phones